Gli sponsor sono un sostegno fondamentale per il WordCamp Bologna per questo vogliamo presentarvi il nostro Silver sponsor Yoast.
(ENG) Sponsors provide a fundamental support to WordCamp Bologna so let us present you our Silver sponsor Yoast.
Yoast helps you to get the most out of your website! You might know our Yoast SEO plugin; with over 7,5 million active installs, Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress plugins worldwide.
At Yoast, we believe in holistic SEO: not just one aspect of a website, but all aspects are important and should, therefore, be as good as possible. All awesome websites have three things in common: they’re easy to use, contain the right information, and they’re fast and reliable. The bonus is, that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find as well!
Our products help people create remarkable sites. We offer plugins that make optimizing websites as easy as pie. By subscribing to our SEO Care package, we can directly help customers make a better site. Last but not least, we have online courses and eBooks that give people the skills and the knowledge needed to start improving their site.