Il primo gruppo di speaker

Oggi presentiamo il primo gruppo di speaker:

Daniele Scasciafratte

Daniele Scasciafratte sometimes called Open Source Multiversal Guy.

During the daylight he should work in his web agency, Codeat in Rome, and in the rest of the day collaborate in many open source projects for different type of activities.

WordPress as a Framework 2.0

Why is WordPress not anymore only an ecosystem for blogs but also for applications? And an easy one?
Let’s analyze the WordPress CMS as a framework!

Marco Chiesi

Ingegnere Informatico. Lead Engineer di Black Studio. Fanatico di WordPress, Sviluppatore di plugin, Core Contributor e WordCamp Speaker. Autore del popolare plugin Black Studio TinyMCE Widget (6+ milioni di download).

Sviluppare un plugin WordPress da zero

Se sei un programmatore interessato a WordPress ma non hai mai sviluppato un plugin, il WordCamp Bologna è l’occasione giusta per iniziare. Seguendo questo talk introduttivo avrai modo di scoprire i concetti di base, le convenzioni, le buone pratiche, le misure di sicurezza, l’architettura e le principali funzionalità messe a disposizione dalla piattaforma. In questo modo potrai riuscire a muovere i primi passi nel mondo dello sviluppo WordPress e a orientarti meglio in mezzo all’enorme mole di materiale informativo disponibile in rete.

André Nadin

Sono un frontend developer con la passione per la pulizia del codice e la user experience. Lavoro principalmente con WordPress e sono sempre in costante ricerca di esperienze per potermi mettere alla prova e migliorare

Timber: quello che non ti aspetti

Un plugin per rendere il frontend di WordPress un po’ più amichevole.

Luca Ricci

Luca built his first website for fun when he was just 8. 15 years and many different jobs later, his interest turned into a passion and he discovered WordPress. His love for WordPress led him to WordCamp Brighton where he met Pragmatic. 1 month later he was packed up and on a plane to move to Brighton, UK.

Why you should learn to love coding standards

How many people have heard about, and even understand coding standards, but nonetheless ignore them? Until a few months ago, Luca was definitely one of these people! As project size and complexity scales, and you’re working with other developers, designers and stakeholders, coding standards become increasingly important and will make your life much easier.

In this talk, Luca will give you an overview of why it’s important to follow coding standards, and deliver some practical examples of how they can improve your developing skills. Luca will also share some tools and workflows to make the job easier.

At the end of the talk, attendees will be able to integrate these tools into their day-to-day workflow.